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Why we needed breastfeeding support

A collection of thoughts and comments from members of our breastfeeding support groups Madison Hospital and Huntsville Hospital for Women & Children host several breastfeeding support groups on their campuses. An Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant facilitates the group and provides...

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What’s in a birth plan and do you need one?

The birth of a child is an amazing and wondrous event. It can also be scary, especially if it’s your first. The fear of the unknown can be crippling and terrifying. A birth plan is a way to communicate your wishes to those caring for you during your labor and after the birth of your baby. It is a...

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This information highlights the services of the HH Health System as well as current health topics important to families. The information is not intended to replace the advice of a physician. Every person is different, so please contact a physician to help you make the appropriate health care decision. HH Health System has made an effort to ensure the accuracy of the information at the time of publication.

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